Monday, September 28, 2009

Week 3 - 9/26/09

Unfortunately, the rain game in week 1 claimed a casualty - my recorder. The problem showed up this week where I got about half the game before it died. As a result I don't have anything close to complete stats. I know I can't pick up yards, completion percentages, etc. but I can at least get scores and big defensive plays. So I need people to respond with information on:

TDs - I have Adam and Jesse down for one each. I think someone on Yellow had one and some players thought Randy might have had one for Red too.

Sacks - I have .5 for Jess, 3.5 for Mark, 4 for Matta, 2 for Biscuits, 1 for Carlos, 1 for Gary, and 1 for Adam.

Defensed Passes - I have 1 each for Leo, Nick, Hege, and Treadaway.

Picks - I have 1 for Jesse, 1 for Randy and 2 for Street.

Safety - I don't know who beside Mark and Matta was in on it but I think there was a third rusher (it wasn't me).


Mark Neubauer said...

I think we should just say the safety was an incomplete pass. There were potentially 3 people in on it, and there was some debate as to if the ball cleared the LOS. I say we just rack it up as a incomplete pass

Sam Matta said...

I remember Street had three picks. I remember the "hat trick" comments but I don't remember any details.

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