Tuesday, March 02, 2010


There are two issues I need to discuss:  the first relates to contact and the second to attitudes.

This is a contact game but there are limits. We don't allow "hits" and we don't allow pure tackling (though sometimes it happens when you grab a player to slow them down to get the flag and he fights for more yards).

I don't want to see any more downfield leading with shoulders or forearms/elbows. Stiff-arms are led with the hand, not the forearm. Pushing through a pile at the line with a shoulder is different than running full speed into someone or executing a block downfield with a shoulder.

I don't want to see any more guys getting slammed to the ground, particularly when grabbed around the neck.

I don't want guys to have to make a choice between getting hurt trying to make a legitimate play or giving up a TD to a ball carrier or getting taken out by a defender.

I know that some people just play instinctively - I really get it.  Last summer, I started playing basketball for the first time in my life. My one advantage was I was generally quicker than anyone other than Leo (particularly when they had the ball and I didn't). So on fast breaks I would dash down the court and try to get in front of the ball carrier because it was my instinct. But it was not appropriate for the game and people rightly got impatient with me about it. I had to learn when I could legitimately make a move to establish position and when I would be forcing another player to decide between giving up the break or risk a collision. Even after I learned, I had to be reminded. I played for the first time since the summer and the first time someone tried to go strong to the basket around me and I sprung back to cut him off - it's just instinct - but Chris said something about it and I was able to remember again.

We don't play in pads and we can't use pad-appropriate moves in this game. People need to get master this instinct if they want to play in this game just like I need to if I want to play basketball this summer (which I do). As such, I'm going to remind people at the beginning of every game to watch the shoulders/elbows/forearms/neck tackles, etc – Pad football is probably a lot of fun but this isn’t that game.

Turning to the issue of attitudes, this is a competitive game not a competition. There is a big difference. When you're in a league, you play each team a couple times. In HS or college, you play each team once (maybe twice if you make the post-season). It doesn't matter what the other guy thinks of you and being a prick or trying to get into the opponent's head isn't a problem because it really is your team vs. their team. This game is different. This week's opponent is next week's teammate and ideally, a friend.

With that in mind, I want the taunting to stop. A little teasing is okay but take your signal from the person you're talking to. If he just gave up a big play and looks pissed or frustrated, he doesn't need you saying something about it. If he's smiling or laughing about it, that's different.  I know that sometimes people jaw back and forth but when one’s joking and the other isn’t, it’s not fun for the rest of us.

I want people to offer constructive criticism and coaching or to shut up about other people's play (other than when they've been penalized). We have different skill levels, strengths and weaknesses. Many people out here have a lot of knowledge to offer and most people want to learn and get better. If you think someone needs to correct something, find a way to say it without yelling or calling them a name.

Yes we’re adults but being an adult doesn't mean you should have to get verbally beaten up and just take it. We play to compete and have fun. This game is not for proving your manhood. If you want that, go join a contact rec league where being a dick to the opponents doesn't matter and there are impartial refs to address inappropriate contact.

I am having side conversations on these points with specific people that I think need to hear it from me directly over the next few days. Notice that I said "people". I think there are a number of people who need to hear one or more of these things not just one. I'm not interested in the Evite or Blog being a forum to gang up on people.  If you want to add points related to these issues and can do so without pointing fingers at anyone but me, I'd welcome that.  However, if you want to raise a point to someone specific, contact them directly, I have email addresses if you need them.

I'm hoping that we can address these issues by kickoff on Saturday and get back to enjoying this game. I love this game and I know that most of you do too but the for past month or two, I've actually looked forward to playing much, much more than I've actually enjoyed the games which is not a good sign.  We have 13 weeks left in the season. Let’s make them great so people finish the season hungry for next fall.  

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