Thursday, September 22, 2005

Koontz Excuse

Some of you from last year may have noticed that Sean Koontz is on the Evite and you wondered "who the hell is that?" because he replied to the Evite almost every week but he NEVER actually came out to play. Well Sean is part of what I call the second wave of players. He started playing with us in the 2nd or 3rd year of our game (at the same time as Brian) and he used to be a regular - regularly late, regularly requiring a call from the field to get his ass out of bed, etc. He also usually played in jeans and brought a large Starbucks with him each week.

In any case, Sean didn't play last year and I don't think he played the year before either. I just keep him on the list because rather than admit he's never going to play again, he just keeps RSVP'ing that he can't make it because he's out of town and then tells us where and often provides a little story. So basically, he's still on the list because he amuses me.

Its Thursday the 22nd and I've just read this year's first excuse - Vegas. Not a very interesting beginning but I'm sure he'll step it up.

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