Friday, September 30, 2005

Well the season is upon us. I'm so excited I can hardly eat. I'm checking the Evite every half hour to see if anyone else RSVPs. I'm checking every hour to see if by some miracle the forecast for Saturday has not climbed by yet another degree (on Wednesday it was predicting a high in the 80s and I thought it would be a Football Miracle). I'm hoping that my leg doesn't give out on the first cut . . .

Looking forward to seeing everyong on Saturday. Please try to show up by 9:00 (or better yet early). Several thoughts behind that:

1) Its going to start off relatively cool tomorrow but then get pretty hot. If we start early we can enjoy the weather.

2) A lot of rust needs to be shaken off. If we start early we can get warmed up and start playing before it gets hot (see item 1).

3) The Horns are playing at 11:00 and I want to be sure that if we lose some folks to go home and watch that, we still have had a good game to start with.

Couple other thoughts/reminders:

1) Those of you who have never played with us, you will be sore afterwards. You will be most sore on Monday (about 48 hours after playing). When you find yourself walking funny for the next couple of days wondering if you ever want to play again, the answer is you do. Trust me on this. If you play every week then after about 2-3 weeks of playing, you will be a bit sore after playing but it won't be that bad. Its only when you start that its really bad.

2) Returning players, see above. This applies to you too.

3) Everyone, if you workout, I suggest you do a leg workout at about 70-80% of normal on Sunday after playing on Saturday. You may think I'm nuts but someone suggested it to me 2 years ago and I was surprised at what a difference it made. Much less sore. Also, don't do leg workouts on Fridays if you plan on playing Saturday. Thursday is the latest you should work legs before playing on Saturday.

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