Sunday, April 30, 2006

Week 30 Summary: Going into this week's game, I was worried. We only had 11 yeses on the Evite and it was Draft Weekend - plus it rained hard Friday night. Then I got to the field and found they'd aerated it and the rain had filled in all the holes. Fortunately the freshman field was actually in pretty good shape. No lines, but plenty of grass to keep us from turning it into a mudpit. Not only that but we got 7 on 7. As to the game itself, if you take out Alex, it was pretty close. But Alex had 4 drive stopping Picks (2 returned for touchdowns and the other 2 very close to the endzone) and 4 or 5 sacks (I can't remember which). Basically, we crowned him MVP before we'd even had our first water break.

Week 31 Preview: Likely a bit warmer this week but hopefully we'll get another good turnout. We've only got a month or so left before the off-season so it's time to make it count.

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