Wednesday, September 17, 2008

More thoughts on MVP:

There have been a few comments on selecting the MVP and so I thought I'd respond to them and elevate the conversation to it's own thread.

I brought up the question about crediting play calling because I'm concerned about recognizing the the value-add that doesn't show up in stats. I certainly don't want to try giving credit for play calling on a per play basis. Generally the play calling is left up to the QB or Chenault (that's my experience anyway). Having said that, I certainly agree with the points raised bout about lots of people having input into plays. When Chenault is not on my team, I probably call my own route 70% of the time - the QB draws up routes for the other receivers and then I look at them and suggest a route that will complement (or at least not interfere) with them.

When you watch football, some of the greatest praise offered is that a player "elevates the play of those around him". Lots of players in our group have that effect at various times. Plays on Nick's team tend to have more yards per catch because he throws deep more (though that shows up in the stats). Mark's absorbing a double team so another lineman can get pressure or Chenault's drawing up good plays are other examples.

Here are some ideas to consider:

1) If there is no really big standout performance - don't give the award that week.

2) If I don't see a standout, let players decide via survey.

3) Have each team select a captain for the week who will assist me with MVP selection. The captain would ideally be someone who was there for the full game (another reason to be timely). This would also be helpful because though I have won the MVP award a couple times, I'm always harder on myself than other players because I don't want to take the risk of being biased.

I do like the idea of adding an offensive and defensive player of the week but if MVP is this big a pain in the ass in big games (which are all we're going to have for until Thanksgiving if history is any guide), adding 2 more awards may just add to the work.

I could survive for 1 minute, 6 seconds chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor


Mark Neubauer said...

I like the idea of having an offensive and defensive MVP

I dislike the idea of having captains from each team. Part of the fun of the MVP is that one person, makes the call, and sometimes we don't agree with it.

True, that an MVP should raise the play of the people around them. A good offensive, or defensive person raises the level of the other people on their team's play because they get double covered, opening up the field for others. However attempting to say that calling plays should impact the MVP is so weak it shouldn't even be discussed. While certainly there are good plays called, there are also times when the play caller said run to the left, and people asked what the audible is, and the play caller said, no audible. The defense then blitzed from the left and the play goes for 0 or negative yards. That is stupid play calling. Is that factored in as well? Is every interception a result of the play call, or is every defensive touch down allowed a result of a bad play call. Of course not.

I think there has to be an MVP each game. This is onle of the most fun parts about the stats is that there is a person every week. The most fun weeks for MVP are the weeks when there is not an overwhelming clear person. Sometimes the logic you use to decide is the most interesting piece.

Deflecting to captains, or a vote, or no MVP is a bit of a cop out.

Matt Day said...

I agree there should be an MVP called by Adam every game. Sometimes it will be tough to call. Sometimes we'll disagree. Too bad.

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